
Chairman Abdunur hands over the Alumni Award.

12 Dec, 2023 - 11:12 am

Such recognition not only celebrates individual achievements but also serves as inspiration for others. Ms. Nakyemba's dedication and hard work have clearly set a high standard for academic excellence. Congratulations to her on this well-deserved achievement, and may her success inspire future generations of students at the Islamic University In Uganda.

Ms. Nakyonyi Janat Nakiyemba's outstanding achievements and recognition at the Islamic University In Uganda's 32nd graduation day. Receiving the Alumni Award for being the best Economics student with a remarkable CGPA of 4.91 is a significant accomplishment. Hajji Abdunur Sekindi, as the Chairman of the Islamic University In Uganda Alumni Association, played a pivotal role in presenting the prestigious award. It's commendable that the alumni association take the time to acknowledge and honor the academic excellence of students like Ms. Nakyemba.
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